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Healthier Grain Processing

Automatic Equipment

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

Creating healthy practices for your agricultural business means ensuring each of your daily tasks is designed efficiently, can be completed quickly, and creates no unwanted setbacks, such as wasted time or the potential for a negative result – both on the part of agricultural professionals and livestock. Processing feed on your farm can create dust that, when inadvertently inhaled by either farmers or livestock, irritates skin and passageways. Feed that is ground too finely and accidentally inhaled is also product that cannot be consumed by livestock to add the desired amount of weight. Finding the balance of which grain to use, how to process it, and the right equipment for the job can create ideal outcomes, maximize your time, and protect your bottom line.

Learn more about how Automatic Equipment Manufacturing Company’s roller mills can help you reduce feed dust, waste, and protect your wellness.

What Creates Feed Dust?

Dust can be caused by over-processing grains – whether intentionally or otherwise. Some grains are softer than others, which must be accounted for when processing. Certain configurations on your roller mill can be too intense for small grains, creating an ultra-fine grind and dust that is easily wind-blown, wasted, and accidentally inhaled by workers or animals. While there are certain additives you can combine with finely ground grain to decrease dust (such a molasses), one of the most dependable ways is to use the right equipment. A roller mill configured to produce the desired crack on your chosen grain can prevent over-processing; the rollers are not unnecessarily harsh on the grain, as some other machines might. Instead, a roller mill cracks the grain in a precise manner, even for soft grains. The output is a digestible and palatable feed that add pounds to your animal and is not swept away by a strong wind.

How Do You Know You’re Getting the Right Grind?

This all depends on the type of animal you’re feeding; it’s important to create the right mixture of coarseness and preserve the feed’s natural nutrients. If the grain is too coarse, it cannot be properly digested – it simply passes through the animal and does not add the pounds you’re looking for. Grain ground too finely will cause dust and waste, but just fine enough of a crack and your livestock will eat and digest all the food and nutrients you want them to consume. The age of your animals can also play a part in how you decide to grind certain grains.

If you need a fine grind with soft grain, you can trust your Automatic roller mill with efficient processing. The grain will not be processed detrimentally, creating dust and waste.

Ask Automatic Equipment Manufacturing about Roller Mills

Our roller mills are dependable, durable, and create the output you want – whether that’s a light or heavy crack for high moisture corn or small grains. You can count on our products to stand the test of time. For more information on available roller mills, such as electric and PTO roller mills, please contact one of our representatives today.

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